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Daily Mirror publishes second devastating front page showing NHS shame for Tories

The Daily Mirror has published a second devastating photo showing the intolerable strain Tory cuts have placed upon the NHS in a follow up to yesterdays news of a sick boy sleeping on the floor which shamed the Tories. Photo: ITV / Mirror - Credit: Archant

The Daily Mirror has published a second devastating photo showing the intolerable strain Tory cuts have placed upon the NHS in a follow up to yesterday’s news of a sick boy sleeping on the floor which shamed the Tories.

It is the third day in a row in which the newspaper has shaken the Conservative Party’s election campaign, having previously unearthed hateful comments the prime minister made about working class mothers and a ‘desperate’ child suspected to have pneumonia who was treated on a hospital floor.

BuzzFeed UK’s media and politics reporter, Mark Di Stefano, said: “After getting snubbed from [Boris Johnson’s] campaign bus, the Daily Mirror has produced two splashes that have derailed Johnson’s campaign — The comments about single mothers & the photo of the Leeds hospital boy.”

Replying to that tweet late on Monday night, the associate editor of the newspaper, Kevin Maguire, said: “Tomorrow will make three”.

The second photo showing the strain the NHs is facing following nine years of COnservative cuts shows a nine-month-old baby called Lily who had to wait on a hospital chair for hours, suspected with the flu.

The first photo published by the Mirror caused the “squirming” prime minister to look away when confronted by a TV reporter.

READ MORE: Boris Johnson so desperate not to look at boy with flu, he pockets a reporter’s phoneREAD MORE: Boris Johnson forced to apologise after boy with flu slept on hospital floorBoris Johnson even took the reporter’s phone from his hands and put it into his pocket to avoid looking at the photo.

Running with the headline: “Here’s another picture you won’t want to look at, Mr Johnson”, the paper reports on baby Lily, who was forced to wait six hours for a bed after she deteriorated following weeks of illness.

The Mirror reports: “Suffering from an ear infection, vomiting and diarrhoea, the baby was badly dehydrated. Louise, Lily’s and her dad, Thomas Noden, 24, were signed in to A&E hospital at 12.45am last Wednesday. Yet they had to wait until 6am before she was seen by a doctor.”

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