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‘It’s better to Remain’ – Dalai Lama sets the record straight on Brexit

The Dalai Lama. Photograph: Niall Carson/PA. - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

The Dalai Lama has spoken out in support of Remain for the first time since his face was plastered on a Leave.EU poster at the time of the referendum.

In an interview with BBC News at the Dalai Lama’s residence in northern India, the spiritual leader was asked for his views on Brexit, three years after appearing on a Leave.EU poster during the European election campaign.

He said: “I am one admirer of the spirit of the European Union.

“I’m an outsider, but I feel it is better to Remain in the union.”

The poster, which was posted on Leave.EU’s Twitter account attributes the quote to the leader.

It said: “The goal should be that migrants return and help rebuild their countries.

“You have to be practical. It’s impossible for everyone to come.”

When asked about the poster – which he said he had not given permission for – he said: “The European countries should take these refugees and give them an education and training, and then aiming to return to their own land.

He said some should be allowed to stay, but qualified this by saying that Europe was “for Europeans”.

He explained: “The whole of Europe become a Muslim country? Impossible. Or African country, also impossible.

“They themselves I think better to their own land. Keep Europe for Europeans.”

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