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‘Brexit is over!’ – Brexiteer concludes it ‘will not happen at all’

Daniel Hannan MEP speaks during an EU referendum debate at the University of Reading. Photograph: Ben Birchall/PA. - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

Prominent Brexiteer and Tory MEP Daniel Hannan has said that he believes Brexit will ‘not happen at all’.

Echoing the latest front page of The New European, Hannan wrote in the Daily Telegraph that ‘it’s over’.

He said: ‘If Brexit happens at all – and for the first time I’m beginning to think it won’t – it will be on terms that keep the worst aspects of EU membership.

‘Britain will be humbled in the eyes of the world, having tried to recover its independence and been faced down.

MORE: Andrew Adonis – Brexit is over… well, not quite

‘Brexit is over!’ The latest front page of The New European – Credit: Archant

‘The largest popular vote in our history will be disregarded, and the nation that exported representative government exposed as an oligarchy.’

‘If Parliament won’t accept Mrs May’s terms and won’t accept no deal then, one way or another, it keeps us in the EU. When you have eliminated the impossible, Watson, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.’

Speaking seperately Hannan told talkRADIO the only option now on the table would be a second referendum which would be ‘rigged in the most obvious sense.’

MORE: Download our exclusive ‘Brexit is over!’ Malcolm Garrett-designed poster

MORE: Buy our limited edition ‘Brexit is over!’ t-shirt or poster

‘The choice presented to people on the ballot paper will not be between Leave and Remain but will be between Theresa May’s deal – which most Eurosceptics including me regard as the worst possible outcome – or remaining on the terms we were two years ago.’

He said that Brexiteers should not be preparing for a second referendum but instead to prepare for a ‘mass boycott’ of a People’s Vote.

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