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The internet reacts as David Cameron is pictured at another festival as the country burns

Former prime minister David Cameron in 2012 watching the football with members of the G8 (Photo by Pete Souza/The White House via Getty Images) - Credit: Getty Images

While the country burns around him former prime minister David Cameron was once again spotted at a festival – surrounded by women and with a cocktail in hand.

Cameron – largely credited with getting us into the Brexit mess by holding the EU referendum – has appeared largely unremorseful about the EU referendum result since resigning in June 2016.

For the second time in 12 months he’s been pictured at the middle-class Wilderness festival, seemingly having the time of his life as he posed for photographs.

In 2017, at the same festival, he was photobombed by a young Corbynista in a picture that appeared on Instagram. He was also spotted by Twitter user Vanessa Price as he wandered aimlessly around the festival crowds.

Social media didn’t take positively to the latest photograph, posted as politicians warn it is becoming more likely the UK will crash out of the European Union without a deal.

David Lammy tweeted: ‘So glad David Cameron is all loved up and enjoying the party at the Wilderness Festival. Sorry the rest of us could not make it, we’re busy trying to clean up your monumental Brexit mess.’

On Sunday it was claimed in the Sunday Times that David Cameron blames Michael Gove for his defeat in the EU referendum and the loss of his political career.

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