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David Cameron wants parliament to deliver Brexit

Former Prime Minister David Cameron. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA. - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

Former prime minister David Cameron has said that parliament ‘needs to try to deliver Brexit.’

Cameron, who called the EU referendum which sparked Brexit, said he did not regret calling the vote.

He told the BBC: ‘I do not regret calling the referendum.

‘It was a promise I made two years before the 2015 general election, it was included in a manifesto, it was legislated for in parliament.’

However, he said that he did regret that the vote was lost.

He continued: ‘Obviously I regret that we lost that referendum. I deeply regret that.

‘I was leading the campaign to stay in the European Union and obviously I regret the difficulties and problems we have been having in trying to implement the result of that referendum.’

Cameron called on parliament to back Theresa May and to deliver Brexit.

He said: ‘I support the prime minister, I support her aim to have a partnership deal with Europe. That what needs to be put in place. That is what parliament needs to try to deliver now.’

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