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Brexiteer ushered off television set after being branded ‘patronising’ by presenter

David Davies MP checks his phone during Sky News interview. Photograph: Sky News. - Credit: Archant

Tory Brexiteer MP David Davies was ushered off a television set after the host said he was being ‘patronising’ to a female Labour MP.

The Brexiteer appeared to be unwilling to discuss the harsh realities of a hard Brexit with Labour MP Anna Turley in an interview during the Kay Burley Show on Sky News.

Davies appeared intimidated by the Labour MP’s knowledge on the subject as she continued to point out the pitfalls of leaving Britain without a deal.

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‘Are you telling me that hard Brexit is going to get my own people into work?’ Redcar MP Turley asked.

‘I’m not telling you anything because you’re not giving me a chance!’ snapped back Davies.

Turley continued to explain: ‘It’s going to lose our automotive industry, it’s going to lose our aerospace industry, and my constituents who work hard in manufacturing didn’t vote for this. They didn’t vote to be worse off, they didn’t vote to be poorer and more inequality between the North East and London.’

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Davies dismissed her concerns saying that she hadn’t ‘seen the figures from the Treasury as to what would happen’.

Turley, however, insisted these were the very same figures she was quoting.

‘These are your government figures!’ she said.

The Brexiteer argued that he was not being given a fair chance to respond, before telling her ‘you carry on’ as he pulled his phone out of his pocket live on-air.

This caused television presenter Kay Burley to interrupt.

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‘Let’s not be patronising,’ she told Davies. ‘It is completely unacceptable – please don’t speak to her in that fashion. You’ve had more than enough time.’

At this point Davies was ushered off the set in front of the camera, shaking Burley’s hand – but ignoring the Labour MP – as he departed.

One viewer tweeted: ‘Wow, the passionate and informed arguments from Anna Turley vs. the stroppy, disinterested and ‘unaffected’ nature of David Davies speaks volumes…’

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