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‘Perfect metaphor for the government’ – Tory MP given unicorn for a Secret Santa gift

David Gauke's unexpected secret Santa gift. Photograph: David Gauke/Twitter. - Credit: Archant

A Conservative minister has been given a pink glittery unicorn as a secret Santa present.

David Gauke was given the gift after he compared a ‘managed no-deal’ Brexit scenario to a ‘unicorn that needs to be slaughtered’.

The justice secretary revealed the gift on Twitter – but did not disclose whether he has killed it in the way he suggested earlier in the week.

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The Tory MP tweeted a photograph of himself with a bemused look as he held the unicorn.

The photograph was captioned: ‘An unexpected Christmas gift’.

One responded: ‘If looks could kill David, that unicorn is already slain.’

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Another said: ‘A perfect visual metaphor for the government’s magical thinking right now.’

Gauke reportedly told cabinet: ‘The responsibility of cabinet ministers is not to propagate unicorns but to slay them.’

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