A Remain pressure group has teamed up with the country’s top comedians to urge us all to ‘stop being so British’.
The video has been produced for Best for Britain by David Schneider and Ingrid Oliver, with the hope it will fuel more Britons to speak out against Brexit.
The comedians have used a number of scenarios, from having dinner in a restaurant to a neighbour’s dog pooing on a lawn, to explain their point.
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While it’s very British to politely smile while filled with rage, Brexit is not one of those of scenarios where it pays to stay quiet.
Executive producer David Schneider – who has appeared in The Day Today, Hotel Babylon and I’m Alan Partridge – explained why he helped to make the video.
‘If a group of friends vote narrowly to go on a picnic and then, when they get there, it’s pouring with rain, the venue is right by a rubbish tip and some joker has wee’d over the sandwiches, then they have a right to change their minds.
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‘We can see now how the Brexit promised by the unicornologists of the Leave campaign just isn’t possible. Time is running out to stop us hurtling over a cliff after that big red bus.’
Ingrid Oliver, who directed the film, said ‘doing nothing is no longer an option’.
‘Brexit is the single biggest challenge facing our generation and now that we know the likely consequences of withdrawal from the EU, we have to make our voices heard before it’s too late.’
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Eloise Todd from the Best for Britain organisation is urging everyone who watches this video to contact their MP about Brexit.
She said: ‘This video is a call to action for thousands of people. Best for Britain is urging people not to be too British, but to stand up and take action instead. We need thousands of people to contact their MP and make their voice heard. This really matters.’