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Right-wing blogger David Vance is banned from Twitter following string of racist tweets

David Vance was suspended from Twitter on Thursday; YouTube - Credit: Archant

Right-wing blogger David Vance has been banned from Twitter following a string of racist tweets, with some of his most recent tweets targeting footballer Marcus Rashford.

The social media platform finally suspended Vance following complaints he was trolling prominent black political activists with a flurry of offensive remarks, including Marcus Rashford, Labour MP David Lammy, and Remain campaigner Femi Oluwole earlier in the week.

Responding to the suspension, Vance wrote on Parler – a microblogging platform similar to Twitter: ‘The good news is I’m finally free from the sewer of Twitter.

A tweet from David Vance. Photograph: Twitter. – Credit: Archant

‘My account was removed overnight. I’m happy to be free and Parler is my choice of social media.’

Twitter was urged to act on Monday when Vance told footballing campaigner Rashford claiming that there is a ‘disproportionate problem within the (UK) Afro-Caribbean [sic] community of black men abandoning their pregnant girlfriends’, before asking if he had ever met his father.

A tweet from David Vance. Photograph: Twitter. – Credit: Archant

It prompted Labour’s shadow secretary, Lammy, to intervene, telling Vance: ‘Absolutely despicable that this unabashed racism has a following in modern Britain. This is no way to speak to @MarcusRashford who has achieved far more at age 22 than you will in a lifetime’.

Vance responded: ‘Child abandonment by fathers is a major concern. Didn’t your father run off too?’

A tweet from David Vance. Photograph: Twitter. – Credit: Archant

The ring-wing media personality’s tweets often include sweeping statements which are retweeted and shared by his 170,000 followers.

Questions have been raised over why the social media network has not taken the same swift action it served music artist Wiley for anti-Semitic tweets over the summer, which resulted in intervention from the home secretary, and a ban from the network.

A Twitter spokesperson said: ‘Abuse and hateful conduct have no place on our service and we will continue to take action when our rules are broken.

‘Upon investigation, the account has been permanently suspended for repeated violations of our hateful conduct policy.’

Vance joins right-wing media figure Katie Hopkins in being booted off the social media network in recent months.

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