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Long-standing Labour MP Dennis Skinner at risk of losing his seat in Bolsover

Dennis Skinner addressing the Labour Party annual conference at the Brighton Centre. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA. - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

The long-standing Labour MP Dennis Skinner is at risk of losing his seat in Bolsover.

Best for Britain’s polling analysis for Bolsover. Image: Best for Britain. – Credit: Archant

According to Best for Britain polling Skinner could lose his Derbyshire seat to the Conservatives, despite taking a pro-Brexit stance.

The MP has held the seat since 1970, but now appears to be at risk from the local Tories.

The polling puts Skinner on just 28% of support – down by 23% at the last election – compared to the Tories at 34%.

Despite his Brexiteer credentials, Best for Britain are advising people vote tactically in the seat to support Labour to deny Boris Johnson a majority.

If Skinner is re-elected he will replace Ken Clarke as father of the house.

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