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Company that couldn’t deliver enough chicken to KFC given post-Brexit medicines contract

A closed sign outside a KFC restaurant near Ashford, Kent. Photograph: Gareth Fuller/PA. - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

Theresa May has been accused of putting people’s lives at risk by awarding a post-Brexit agreement for delivering NHS supplies to the company responsible for failing to deliver enough chicken to KFC.

Green Party MP Caroline Lucas warned a company ‘incapable of delivering chicken to KFC’ will be involved in importing medical supplies should the UK leave the EU without a deal.

More than 500 of KFC’s restaurants closed in February last year after a new delivery contract with DHL sparked chicken shortages across the country.

Drug companies have been asked to ensure they have an additional six-week supply of drugs to cope with any disruption linked to a no-deal Brexit.

Speaking in the Commons, Lucas said: ‘In the event of a no-deal Brexit the Government has just decided that imports of medical supplies are to be handled by the same company that forced hundreds of restaurants to close because it was incapable of delivering chicken to KFC.

‘It is horrifying that the PM’s stubbornness is literally putting people’s lives at risk through bargain bucket supply deals.

‘So what guarantee can she give to patients who are watching us now, looking at this pantomime and farce in this House now, that they will be able to get their vital medicines when they need them in the event of that no-deal Brexit?’

May replied: ‘The Department of Health and Social Care is taking the steps necessary to ensure that medicines are available.

‘We’ve been clear before that it is not necessary for patients to stockpile medicines – medicines will be available.

‘But if [Lucas] is so concerned about the impact of no-deal – and it’s no good her shaking her head – there’s a very simple answer: if she doesn’t want no-deal, she should support the deal.’

Last month the government had to axe its no-deal Brexit contract with a ferry company after it turned out it had no ferries.

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