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Cox: Brexit is like being dragged away from a party by two uncool parents

Broadcaster Sara Cox appears on Jeremy Vine on 5. Photograph: Channel 5. - Credit: Archant

Broadcaster Sara Cox has spoken out about Brexit and criticised ‘self-serving’ Jeremy Corbyn for backing a People’s Vote ‘too late’ in the day to make it happen.

The BBC Radio 2 drivetime presenter said told Jeremy Vine on 5 that she felt a ‘tickle of excitement’ when Labour initially announced plans to back a second referendum.

‘The thought of giving it back to the people fills me with joy,’ she said, but feared it was ‘not going to happen’.

In a damning criticism of Jeremy Corbyn for his Brexit stance she said he was ‘waste of space’.

‘I think the way that David Cameron called a referendum in the first place for self-serving reasons, now Corbyn’s doing this for self-serving reasons. He’s suddenly jumping just to try and keep his MPs on side.

‘It’s too little too late. He should have been out there in 2016 and saying exactly what he felt, rather than hiding in the wings trying to think about how he can further his own career.’

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Cox was joined on the panel by Remainer Amanda Prowse and Brexiteer Martin Daubney as they argued over the merits of Brexit and holding a second vote.

She later said: ‘At the moment I feel like my really uncool parents are turning up at a party to drag me away, and to put me in a car because that’s the time they said we had to leave.

‘Even though the car has three wheels, and two of them are flat, and we’re going to plummet off a cliff-edge, but still they’re determined to leave. And so the thought of giving it back to the people fills me with joy.

‘At the moment I feel like those people whose jobs it is to sort it all out haven’t sorted it all out… nobody knows what’s going on.’

Cox, who lived on a council estate in Bolton, says the poorest are ‘going to be hit the hardest by Brexit’, and while she sympathised why they voted for Brexit, argued ‘things are not going to get easier for them when Brexit happens.’

‘Rees-Mogg in his nice house, he’s not going to be hit, he’s still going to be able to get an Ocado from somewhere.’

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