One reader thinks he has the answer to solving Brexit – and it involves David Cameron.
All Boris Johnson has to do to get us out of this Brexit mess is ask the EU to go back to David Cameron’s deal. That took the UK out of ever-closer union,
and reinforced our ability to limit freedom of movement, as Belgium does, by requiring people to have a job if they want to stay.
If the 27 no longer want a special arrangement for the UK alone, he could suggest this new EU treaty to suit all 28:
Policy for the benefit of all Europe would be proposed by the Commission and ratified by the European parliament, with advice from the Council of Ministers and Committee of the Regions. Each decision would then go to the 28 national parliaments, which could accept, amend or reject the proposal for their own country, with no veto on others. This would ensure a coalition of the willing for every EU decision and shoot Farage’s fox.
Just in case other member states wanted to form a United States of Europe, the new Johnson treaty could allow them to do so, subject to a referendum in their countries with at least a 50% turnout and a two-thirds majority.
They would then be bound to keep the acquis so far enshrined in the treaties, but the other EU members would not, useful if Boris wanted to get out of the common agricultural policy because it did not give him enough cherries.
Dr Clive R Sneddon, St Andrews
As a disillusioned EU immigrant, all I can say is this: Boris Johnson may not be the kind of PM this country needs, but he’d surely be the kind of PM it deserves.
Christoph Scheepers, Glasgow
Boris Johnson talks such twaddle about his main aim “to unite the country”.
To achieve this he would have to include the two-thirds of the electorate he ignores with his Brexit plan to pull us out of the EU come hell or high water.
He should allow the People’s Vote. This is the only route to unity. Has he the courage to defy his ERG controllers, as Theresa May hadn’t?
John Macnab, London SW7
Supposedly, one of the reasons for leaving the EU is the perceived lack of democracy. Might I suggest that if Boris Johnson becomes prime minister on the votes of less than 100,000 Tory members, this represents a lack of democracy on a gigantic scale.
If Johnson becomes PM we need to march and/or protest to demand a general election. Hong Kong has shown the world that we do not have to put up with a politician who is not working in the country’s interest.
Jackie Terry, Teddington
At the first hustings in the Conservative leadership race Jeremy Hunt appeared relaxed, measured and quietly confident, a pleasant contrast to the bombastic and juvenile machismo of Boris Johnson. However, one particular statement he made I found quite chilling.
After mentioning a firm he had visited whose business would be lost in a no-deal Brexit, Hunt went on to say that he would still support no-deal as a last resort because, “the political risk of no Brexit is far worse than the economic risk of no-deal”.
Really? The political risk is worse than economic disruption impacting on every family in the country? The demise of the Tory party is of more concern than the poor becoming poorer, businesses failing, increased unemployment? I don’t think so, Mr Hunt.
Sarah Williams, St Ives
Jeremy Hunt says he “wants to see the first £1,000 a month of income free from tax”, for all us poor people. The current threshold is £12,501 before any tax is paid. That figure divided by 12 = £1,041.75. That is a month’s income, Jeremy, free of tax by UK law, TODAY.
Moya Janko, Cornwall
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