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Dominic Cummings suggests cartoon characters could do better job than cabinet

Dominic Cummings (left) speaks to the BBC and the PJ Masks (right). - Credit: Archant

In the latest bizarre rambling from Dominic Cummings, the prime minister’s top adviser has suggested that children’s cartoon characters from PJ Masks could perform better than the current ministers in charge.

Speaking to a BBC reporter Cummings was asked to give a view on the decision to approve the HS2 rail-link, when he emerged from his north London home.

Captured on camera he tells the reporter: “The night time is the right time to fight crime.”

After a pause he looks at his phone and says: “I can’t think of a rhyme.”

There is a silence as Cummings continues to monitor his phone before the reporter asks about the forthcoming cabinet reshuffle.

Downing Street has confirmed that a reshuffle will be carried out on Thursday ahead of a meeting of the new-look cabinet on Friday.

There has been reports that the influence of Johnson’s key adviser was diminishing, something he did not appear to want to comment on.

Cummings suggested that the cartoon characters would be able to do a better job than ministers, telling the reporter: “I think we need PJ Masks on the job. PJ Masks, they’re your guys.”

Asked for a view on the remarks, a spokesperson for the prime minister said: “I am not familiar with their work”.

Journalist Jane Merrick tweeted: “PJ Masks is a cartoon about a bunch of juvenile weirdos and misfits doing a job in lieu of paid government officials – it’s all suddenly falling into place”.

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