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Dominic Raab: Conservatives ‘have made good progress’ in Brexit talks

Dominic Raab speaking on the Andrew Marr Show this morning. Picture: BBC - Credit: Archant

Dominic Raab, who was accused by MPs of misleading the public earlier this summer, has said that the Conservatives have made ‘good progress’ in Brexit talks with the European Union.


Speaking on the Andrew Marr Show, the foreign secretary claimed that “we [the Tories] have made good progress” when asked about the potential of a deal with the EU – despite the bloc’s top negotiator Michel Barnier saying that Britain had not offered any credible proposals just ten days ago.

Raab said: “There have always been naysayers on both sides of the Channel and we hear from them everytime proposals are teased out in the public.

“But we have made good progress and I think what’s necessary now is for the EU to match some of the words from Jean-Claude Juncker, to remove the undemocratic backstop and to be clear we can move to a best in class trade deal.

“I’m confident that we can have a deal, but what we can’t do is just accept a series of requirements that put a threat to Northern Ireland or undermine the referendum result.”

Raab also talked about the Supreme Court case that is dominating the headlines, saying the Conservatives will respect any decision Britain’s highest court comes to.

But he refused to comment on the potential on the government proroguing parliament for the second time.

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