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Download our free Dig for Brexit poster

With food shortages just one likely outcome of a no-deal Brexit, download and display our poster and Make Britain Rake Again

A no-deal Brexit would likely be the most serious economic shock since the Second World War – with even pro-Brexit ministers like Dominic Raab, and even Theresa May herself, admitting that industry should supply ‘stockpiles’ of food.

British citizens were encouraged to ‘dig for victory’ during the 1940s – food grown in gardens or allotments was off-ration, and so a great way for families to try to improve on what they had available to eat.

Yes, things are slightly different now. Yes, the UK is now a country with 22m more people in it now than then, and with a far greater proportion living in cities and with no gardens. Yes, for those without gardens there is a waiting list of 40 years in many council areas for a plot.

But we say this is all Remoaner naysaying. So download our poster, display it prominently and let’s Make Britain Rake Again!

You can download the poster here or via the embed below.

DigForBrexit.pdf by mattwithers on Scribd

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