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MEP applauded for exposing Farage’s hypocrisy in European Parliament

Dutch MEP Esther de Lange calls Nigel Farage a hypocrite. Photograph: European Parliament. - Credit: Archant

An MEP has been applauded both in the European Parliament and on social media for exposing Nigel Farage’s hypocrisy over Brexit – and for doing what many British politicians have failed to do.

Dutch MEP Esther de Lange was posing a question to Angela Merkel when she first announced she had to get something off her chest before she asked her question.

De Lange told the Parliament not to ‘take his grandstanding too seriously’.

Pointing to the former UKIP leader, she told those in Strasbourg: ‘This is a man who led his party and country to the Brexit vote – only the next day to admit he lied and tricked and jumped his ship and left his party.’

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She told Farage: ‘This is not leadership, it’s a circus.’

Farage smirked as the Parliament applauded the MEP’s sharp intervention.

‘I’m glad you’re here, Mr Farage’ she continued, in a jibe at the UKIP group’s low attendance.

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As she turned to Merkel she quoted back Farage who said he didn’t want to be ‘part of a ‘German’ European Union’, and to much laughter and claps she added, ‘yet he’s made sure two of his children have German passports!’

The MEP summed up her interjection by saying: ‘This man wouldn’t know hypocrisy if it stared him in the face.’

De Lange has been praised on social media for her comments with the video being widely shared at home and abroad.

Nigel Farage has said that he considers himself the ‘devil to the European Union’ after Michel Barnier warned that there was now a Farage in every European country.

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