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Brexiteers’ commemorative badges celebrate October 31st ‘independence day’

A commemorative Brexit badge. Photograph: eBay. - Credit: Archant

While the Royal Mint’s commemorative coins are able to be melted down after another Brexit delay, spare a thought for these eBay users.

A search through the eBay listings finds Brexit memorabilia marking Boris Johnson’s “do or die” Brexit date of October 31st.

Hundreds of “Independence Day” pin badges have been sold by the auction website – fetching anything between £3.00 and £6.00 – which have included Thursday’s date.

One listing encourages Brexiteers to buy the badges “to celebrate the day of independence when the UK is finally free from the EU!”

Buyers are encouraged to “wear it with pride”, as the seller explains: “Each badge is stamped from a piece of metal and then gold plated” and is “enamelled in red, white and blue!”

The listing concludes: “You just know that your friends and family will be interested in chatting with you about your new badge.”

However, it may find those now brandishing the badges provoking an entirely different conversation to what they had hoped.

“Absolutely great. First class. Just perfect. Just what I was looking for, ACE,” responded one buyer recommending the product, before an extension was delayed.

While the badges remain on sale, it appears they are now more likely to become commemorative for all of the wrong reasons.

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