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Nigel Farage’s Brexit celebrations should be stopped, says Lib Dem leader

Nigel Farage during a press conference. Photograph: Ben Birchall/PA. - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

Acting Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey has said that Nigel Farage’s plans for a Brexit celebration on January 31st are a ‘nonsense’ that should be stopped.

Speaking on LBC Radio, Davey said that the Greater London Authority should reject the plans because it would not help bring the country back together.

“I don’t think it’s very unifying… We want to unify the country to learn the lessons.

“Of course the Mall, round Buckingham Palace, when we’ve had major historical events in our country’s history, for example VE Day when we defeated Nazi Germany, that bought the country together. We’d come out in our public spaces and celebrate together. Quite right.

“I don’t think that’s right with Brexit. Nigel Farage knows this that this has divided the country. The idea that a party in Parliament Square will be a way of bringing the country together is quite literally nonsense.”

He said that Sadiq Khan’s organisation should say no to the proposals, which Farage claimed would not be political, despite involving up to 10,000 Brexiteers.

Despite the event being invite-only, the Brexit Party leader is expecting attendees to stump up the money for a ticket to help fund the £100,000 celebration.

Farage has promised music, comedy and fireworks to mark the date the UK is set to leave the EU.

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