Emily Thornberry has been told by a voter in her own constituency she will never vote Labour again because of the party’s Brexit stance.
Caller Kate, who lives in Thornberry’s Islington South and Finsbury constituency, rang LBC Radio to tell the shadow foreign secretary she previously voted for her but no longer would because she was ‘horrified’ by their Brexit stance.
She said: ‘I am one of your constituents and was one of your voters. I’m a lifetime Labour voter and member. I’m no longer a member, I resigned last March.
‘I am horrified at Labour’s stance on Brexit. I am horrified when I listen to you saying things like ‘I don’t want to leave, I don’t think this is a good thing, but I’m going to ensure we leave as best we can’, which we all know is going to be badly. There is no good way to get out of Europe.
‘But you’re going to make sure we do that because the people voted for that.’
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Thornberry appeared visibly annoyed by the voter’s refusal to back the MP or the party.
She tried to explain her position on Brexit by saying: ‘It’s because I’m a democrat above anything else.
‘As a divided country, the most important thing is for us to try to bring people together. I think 52-48 says something. It says that we have to leave, but we don’t go far. That for me is how we hold the country together.’
Kate pointed out Labour does not give up when it loses an election and suddenly decide that everyone wants a Tory government.
She continued: ‘It’s time for Labour to stand up and say ‘no matter how we are going to do this, it’s going to be bad, really bad, and it’s going to be really bad for the worse off in this country. And we need to stop this.”
Thornberry said: ‘It’s our duty as the opposition to try and make sure that this government goes in the right direction.’
Kate snapped back: ‘It’s your duty as the opposition to oppose. It’s your duty as the MP for Islington to stand up for the majority of your constituents who voted Remain, to stand up for them.
‘You’re our MP you’re not Jeremy Corbyn’s MP. I voted for you. I voted for Remain as did the majority of your constituents, and what we’re hearing as our MP is you saying ‘we just have to get out because it’s what the people wanted’.
‘Well the people wanted a Tory government, we don’t expect you to sit back and do everything the Tories say they’re going to do because the people voted for them, Emily.’