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Labour would ‘be off our bloody rockers’ not to back Remain, says Emily Thornberry

Emily Thornberry on Sky News. Photograph: Sky. - Credit: Archant

Shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry has said Labour would be ‘off our bloody rockers’ not to back staying in the European Union.

The remarks came during an interview with Sky News Australia, and appear to be at odds with Labour’s official policy.

She said: “If it means we are not going to get a deal at all, I genuinely believe that the vast majority of people in Britain will want to remain, which means that I think that any deal, or no deal, or whatever this government comes up with, should be put back to the British people so they can be asked, is this what you voted for because if you did, that’s fine.

“We don’t think it is what you voted for and I am firmly of the view that Labour’s policy should be that whatever deal the government comes up with, no ifs, no buts as Boris Johnson says, we should put it back to the people.

“We should have another referendum, and Labour should campaign to Remain.”

She added: “And people that I’ve spoken to here appreciate that, and I have to say practically all of them … have said if we get an opportunity to remain in the European Union, we should take it. Because if we don’t, we’re off our bloody rockers.”

The Islington South and Finsbury’s recent off-script messages about Brexit have reportedly led to Jeremy Corbyn considering demoting her within the shadow cabinet, as well as replacing her as the regular stand-in at PMQs with Rebecca Long-Bailey.

Best for Britain chief executive Naomi Smith said Emily is “spot on” with her comments.

“It makes no sense for the Labour Party to ignore its members, voters and now the majority of the country in backing staying in the EU.

“Labour has a unique opportunity to stop Boris Johnson and his reckless Brexit plans by working together with other parties. And with given the chances of a Tory-Brexit Party pact, it would make sense for Jeremy Corbyn to shift to an unambiguously pro-EU position and help remove that unholy alliance from Downing Street.”

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