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Boris Johnson’s new cabinet branded ‘worst since Thatcher’ as he packs it with Brexiteers

Jacob Rees-Mogg, Dominic Raab, Esther McVey and Priti Patel all have top posts under Boris Johnson. Photograph: PA/TNE. - Credit: Archant

Boris Johnson’s new cabinet has been labelled one ‘from hell’ after he packed it full with Brexiteer loyalists including Priti Patel, Dominic Raab and Jacob Rees-Mogg.

The newly-anointed prime minister sacked detractors, squeezed out leadership rival Jeremy Hunt and brought in a team of prominent Brexiteers.

Along with resignations, it means more than half of his predecessor’s cabinet are no longer in their roles.

Johnson’s cabinet includes Sajid Javid as chancellor and Priti Patel as home secretary among an array of prominent Brexiteers to receive top jobs.

Dominic Raab is foreign secretary and first secretary of state – effectively making him Johnson’s deputy prime minister.

Jacob Rees Mogg leaving Downing Street after meeting Boris Johnson. Photograph: Jonathan Brady/PA Wire. – Credit: PA

In possibly the most dramatic appointment of the evening, arch Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg, who proved such a thorn in the side of May, was made leader of the commons.

But while not a member of cabinet – Rees-Mogg will attend meetings.

Hunt was forced from his role as foreign secretary and his supporters were rounded on by the new Tory leader.

Johnson sacked Liam Fox as international trade secretary and Penny Mordaunt as defence secretary, both for their support of Jeremy Hunt.

Scottish secretary David Mundell, who previously said he would find it “extremely difficult” to serve under Johnson, tweeted he is “disappointed but not surprised” to be departing.

Also leaving the frontbenches after Johnson was formally appointed as PM by the Queen were Hunt-backer Damian Hinds, who was education secretary, and business secretary Greg Clark.

Clark had recently warned “many thousands” of jobs would be lost in a no-deal Brexit, which Johnson has declined to rule out.

The new cabinet sees Michael Gove, Johnson’s Vote Leave colleague who scuppered his last leadership bid, moved to become the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and replaced as environment secretary by fellow Brexiteer Theresa Villiers.

Gavin Williamson becomes education secretary, less than three months after he was sacked from defence over suspicions he leaked details of Huawei discussions from the National Security Council.

Andrea Leadsom becomes business secretary, Ben Wallace defence secretary, Liz Truss international trade secretary to the treasury and Robert Jenrick is housing, communities and local government secretary.

Grant Shapps becomes transport secretary, having helped organise Johnson’s campaign.

Stephen Barclay, Matt Hancock and Amber Rudd keep their jobs as Brexit secretary, health secretary and work and pensions secretary respectively.

Former chief whip Julian Smith has been appointed Northern Ireland secretary, Alister Jack becomes Scottish secretary and Alun Cairns will remain Welsh secretary.

Baroness Evans of Bowes Park will remain leader of the House of Lords.

James Cleverly becomes the Conservative Party chair while “rising star” Rishi Sunak enters the cabinet as treasury chief secretary.

Tory Party chairman Brandon Lewis was demoted to Home Office minister, while Esther McVey returns as a minister in the ministry of housing, communities and local government.

Labour warned of an influx of “hardline Conservatives” and its deputy leader Tom Watson said the “huge cull” would lead to the “early collapse” of the government, bringing forward a general election.

The SNP said the “cabinet from hell” is shaping up to be the “worst since Thatcher”.

Javid and Raab were both contenders in the Tory leadership race, but both were knocked out during voting by Tory MPs.

Raab quit as May’s Brexit secretary in November over her departure deal, while Javid’s new role is a promotion from home secretary.

Patel’s promotion saw her elevated again from the backbenches, having been forced by May to resign as international development secretary over unauthorised contacts with Israeli officials.

Northern Ireland secretary Karen Bradley is also understood to have been sacked after Mr Johnson entered No 10.

Ahead of his arrival, prominent no-deal critics chancellor Philip Hammond, international development secretary Rory Stewart and justice secretary David Gauke all quit.

So did David Lidington, who was effectively May’s deputy prime minister.

Vote Leave campaign mastermind Dominic Cummings will take up an advisory role.

The appointment of the abrasive former campaign director is controversial given he was found to be in contempt of Parliament earlier this year for refusing to give evidence to MPs investigating misinformation.

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