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‘The person Question Time has been crying out for’ – EU expert praised by viewers

EU expert Anand Menon praised by Question Time viewers. Photograph: BBC. - Credit: Archant

The director of the UK in a Changing Europe has been praised by pro-EU viewers for providing some clarity on Question Time.

While some in the audience in Derby applauded as right-wing panellists attempted to whip up support for a no deal Brexit, it was EU expert Anand Menon who received the most praise from the latest episode of the programme.

Menon demolished the arguments in support of a no deal Brexit calmly and coherently as he explained exactly what was involved if the UK was to crash out of the EU.

Menon’s argument against a no deal Brexit left others on the panel, like right-wing journalist Isabel Oakeshott, simply shaking their heads rather than attempting to argue back about the facts.

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He told the audience: ‘I think it’s very important to be clear about no deal. It isn’t like when you go to the shop, and if you don’t find anything you like, you walk home again. You don’t end up back where you started.’

‘If you’re fine with no deal, that’s great, that’s up to you. But let it be known: no deal means severe disruption to the UK.’

Viewer Graham Davidson tweeted: ‘At last. Someone who actually knows what he’s talking about. No surprise that he’s neither politician nor journalist.’

Harry Palmer said: ‘Can we just have an hour of Anand Menon calmly explaining this to us, much more useful.’

Ciron S tweeted: ‘Anand Menon speaks so much sense that it goes over the audience’s head and they don’t know whether to clap or not.’

Another posting a video clip said: ‘My god, #bbcqt has been crying out for an expert like Anand Menon for so long. And no, don’t you shake your head at him, Isabel Oakshott.’

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Also on the programme a young Labour supporter called on Diane Abbott’s party to support a second referendum.

But the shadow home secretary claimed that Leave would win again if another poll was held.

She said: ‘The thing about a second referendum is people should be careful what they wish for.

‘My view, and I voted Remain, is that if we had a ‘People’s Vote’ tomorrow Leave would win again.

‘You’d just have a lot of angry Leave voters.’

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