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Figurines of pro-EU campaigners to become a feature in Brussels theme park

Pro-EU campaigners have earned their place in a 'Mini-Europe' theme park. Photograph: - Credit: Archant

The efforts of pro-EU campaigners have won themselves a place in a ‘mini Europe’ theme park in Europe.

Pro-EU campaigners marching on Westminster. (Photo by Niklas HALLE’N / AFP) – Credit: AFP via Getty Images

Although the UK is leaving the European Union, the attraction will still keep the iconic landmarks including models of Big Ben, Shakespeare’s house and Dover castle.

There had been proposals to remove the British section from the tourist attraction, but instead the section has been modified.

“The buildings are beautiful and there are many,” Park boss Thierry Meeùs told the Brussels Times. “If we were to remove them, there’d be a big hole that’s hard to fill. Seen from above, the park corresponds to the map of Europe. So you can’t just reserve the place for Serbia or any other candidate country.”

Instead there will be a border post on the bridge over the mini English channel to make the “separation material” clear between Britain and the EU.

They will also add a pro-EU protest outside the Houses of Parliament as a reminder of the efforts by Remainers to try to stay in the European Union.

The boss told The Sun: “After all, 48% of the British voted for their country to remain in the EU.”

The tourist attraction opened three decades ago and represents all 27 EU states through tiny models of each country’s most notable landmarks.

But there will be some work to be done to adjust the display boards and literature.

“On all info panels, we are talking about the 28 member states. That needs to be changed to 27. All new panels. In addition, the pedagogical files for the schools will have to be rewritten and we will also have to update the visitors’ guides.”

The venue reopens in March after a winter break, with the business telling visitors: “Brexit will not change the Mini-Europe experience, even if a border will have to be installed.”

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