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Lib Dems’ campaign hits new milestone ahead of crucial Brexit votes

Sir Vince Cable with Liberal Democrats campaigners fighting for an 'Exit from Brexit'. Photograph: Lib Dems. - Credit: Archant

The Liberal Democrats’ Exit from Brexit campaign has hit a new milestone as MPs prepare to vote on a series of crucial votes in the House of Commons.

The party, which has advocated giving the people the final say on Brexit for over two years, has announced 250,000 people have backed their petition demanding an Exit from Brexit.

It is the biggest campaign it has run outside of an election, and the Lib Dems claim that it is a reflection of momentum swinging their way as support for a second referendum continues to grow.

The party is planning a large presence at the ‘Put It To The People’ march on Saturday 23rd March.

Liberal Democrat Brexit spokesperson Tom Brake said: ‘Our campaign shows people right across the whole of the UK are concerned, frustrated and angry at the utter Brexit mess the Tories have created. People know jobs, the NHS and the environment are on the line.

‘While Mrs May continues to tinker around the edges of her deal, the Liberal Democrats have always been clear that it is in the best interests of our country to stay in the European Union.

‘The momentum is now swinging our way. Liberal Democrats will build on that by urging MPs to rule out no-deal this week and urgently get behind an amendment to secure a People’s Vote, including the option to stay in the EU.’

The ‘Exit from Brexit’ petition can be signed online here.

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