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Watch what happened when Femi finally got through to Farage’s radio show…

Nigel Farage and Femi Oluwole. Photograph: TNE. - Credit: Archant

Our Future Our Choice campaigner Femi Oluwole has finally managed to make it on to Nigel Farage’s radio show.

But as they appear not to welcome Oluwole as himself on his LBC programme, the anti-Brexit campaigner instead posed as an American called ‘Seun’.

In an attempt to butter up the Brexiteer, Seun claims he’s a long-time listener and likes what he has to say, before launching into forensic analysis of Farage’s “will of the people” claims about what the public voted for.

As Oluwole sets the record straight on what people voted for at the last 2017 general election, Farage becomes uncomfortable as it becomes clear he has been outfoxed by the campaigner.

‘Seun’ tells the Brexiteer: “The only opportunity this country has had to say what sort of Brexit it will or will not accept is the 2017 general election, which the vast majority, well 54% of those parties with a manifesto ruled out a no-deal Brexit. So stop lying to these people!”

The Brexit Party leader’s face drops as the campaigner points out the facts.

After several minutes of debate a rattled Farage asks ‘Seun’ if he wants to stop a no-deal Brexit or if he just wants to stop Brexit altogether.

When the caller says he wants to stop Brexit, Farage repeatedly says “thank you!”, before adding “that is all I need to know” as he cuts him off.

It comes after Nigel Farage tried to falsely claim that no-deal was the ‘most popular option’ with the public. A claim that he was allowed to repeat unchallenged on television.

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