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‘Brexit jeopardises everything!’ – Leave voter now has second thoughts

A florist talks about the impact of Brexit on his business. Photograph: Sky. - Credit: Archant

A flower wholesaler has said that he has had second thoughts about Brexit after he realising how much is now at stake.

While leading Brexiteers have claimed that voters ‘knew what they were voting’ for it is evident that many did not expect Brexit to turn out how it has.

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One example of this was a flower wholesaler, who works at one of the biggest wholesale markets in Europe, where fresh produce is supplied to restaurants, hotels and business across the UK, Europe and the world.

Paul Smith spoke to Sky News for its Divided Kingdom documentary focusing on the impact of the United Kingdom voting to leave the European Union.

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The businessman said that keeping products in the business fresh was absolutely essential, and the risk to ports was a great worry.

He said: ‘Our biggest problem would be paperwork, if things get delayed, our shipping gets delayed, so we would be trading with no flowers. So we need free movement, and it will affect us.

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Explaining what would be at stake if Brexit isn’t delivered right, he said: ‘Everything. My family, my house, my staff – we’ve been trading for 33 years.’

Smith said that he now ‘definitely had second thoughts’ about Brexit, despite voting to Leave in June 2016.

‘I didn’t really think about it like that, I didn’t think about the business side of it.’

While some may lack sympathy for the Brexiteers who led Britain down this path, backers of a People’s Vote will seize on this as another reason to hold a second referendum to give the people a ‘final say’.

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