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David Davis is now earning £60,000 as an adviser for JCB

David Davis pockets �150,000 since quitting as Brexit minister. (BEN STANSALL/AFP/Getty Images) - Credit: AFP/Getty Images

The former Brexit secretary has a new job – advising the manufacturing giant JCB.

The former Brexit secretary has declared he will earn £60,000 for 20 hours work a year – the equivalent of £3,000 an hour for the role – according to the Register of Members’ Financial Interests.

Davis said he had consulted the Advisory Committee on Business Appointments (Acoba) – which vets posts taken up by ex-ministers and senior officials – about the role.

His update to the register said: ‘From 1 January 2019 to 1 January 2020, external advisor to JCB, Rocester ST14 5J. I will receive £60,000 per annum, paid quarterly. Hours: approx. 20 hrs a year. I consulted ACoBA about this appointment. (Registered 10 January 2019).’

JCB’s chairman and Tory peer Lord Bamford is a Conservative Party donor and a Leave supporter.

Davis also registered he had been made a board member of German manufacturing company Mansfelder Kupfer Und Messing GMBH from December to June 2019, for which he will receive £36,085.

The sums are in addition to his basic salary as an MP of £77,379 a year.

Labour MP Ian Murray, a supporter of the Best for Britain campaign, claimed it is ‘disgusting’ Davis would earn £3,000 an hour in the JCB role having ‘failed to properly plan for Brexit and storming out of the cabinet’.

He added: ‘What an absolute insult to the people of the UK who have been left facing deeper austerity and increased living costs as a result of the calamitous Brexit he campaigned for and still supports.

‘There are very real consequences of the decisions he made, and workers in the construction and manufacturing sectors will be among those to pay the price.

‘He should be thoroughly ashamed, but the hardcore Brexiteers who lied to the people of Britain have no shame. It’s time to take matters out of the hands of people like David Davis and give control to the public through a People’s Vote.’

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