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You can buy this front cover of The New European as a poster

The New European's tribute to the front line NHS workers. Illustration: Chris Barker - Credit: Archant

This front cover of The New European is dedicated to the frontline workers of the NHS doing all they can to save lives during the coronavirus pandemic.

The front page was created by The New European designer Chris Barker, based on the classic 1945 photograph of US marines raising the American flag during the Battle of Iwo Jima.

Readers have praised the front cover, urging us to make it available to buy.

As a result we have made a limited number of posters available in our online shop for just £10.

All proceeds will go to the NHS Charities COVID-19 urgent appeal crowdfunder supporting NHS staff and volunteers during this difficult time.

Those donations help to fund wellbeing packs (such as food deliveries, snacks, refreshments and wash kits), the cost of travel, parking and accommodation for staff and volunteers, as well as other items requested by NHS charities.

To make your purchase visit The New European’s online shop at – we’ll ship as soon as logistically possible.

And to get the latest edition of the newspaper take out a subscription for just £13 and receive a login to read it on your phone, tablet or computer.

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