Sweary? Want to track where the UK has agreed post-Brexit trade deals? There’s a website you might like.
An expletive-ridden one-stop shop for trade deal watchers has been set up by the people behind the Twitter account @fuckingbrexit.
The site, www.havewegotafuckingtradedealyet.com, aims to list every country in the world that the UK has a trade deal with after Brexit.
Currently, that stands at roughly three and a half trade deals out of, er, 194 nations.
Boris Johnson was recently stumped during his LBC radio phone-in with Nick Ferrari when he was unable to name a single trade deal for after Brexit.
WATCH: Boris Johnson can’t name a single trade deal ‘oven-ready’ for post-Brexit BritainHe said: “We’ve got talks under way with many countries.”
The details of those talks are being updated on Fucking Brexit’s website which claims to show the extent of the government’s progress.
Next to most countries’ flags, we are told: “No we fucking don’t have a trade deal.”
In occasional cases, there are extra notes, such as for Chile: “There is an ‘association’ agreement, but it is not a free trade deal.”
Or for Zimbabwe: “There is a trade deal, but not entirely ‘free trade’.”
Beyond the profanity, the website’s creators have a serious message.
As they point out, a Financial Times analysis found that beyond trade deals, the UK is going to have to negotiate at least 759 separate international agreements spanning transport, fisheries, regulation, customs, nuclear and agriculture.
“Brexit spells disaster for the UK, and our government has failed to prepare,” it says. “It is our patriotic duty to protect the UK by stopping Brexit.
“Our aim is to turn anger about the fucking mess the UK government is making into informed action, with a little humour along the way,” explained the site’s creators.