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‘A People’s Vote is coming’ – Game of Thrones star backs fresh referendum

Charles Dance as Tywin in Game of Thrones. Image: Game of Thrones/HBO. - Credit: Archant

A Game of Thrones star has called on the government to allow voters to have a final say on the plan for the UK to leave the European Unnion.

Charles Dance, known for playing Lord Tywin Lannister in the popular series, spoke out in favour of a second referendum at a People’s Vote rally in London.

He appeared alongside anti-Brexit campaigners including Lord Heseltine and Tory Remain MP Anna Soubry.

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The actor said: ‘So many of the things we value, so many of the great steps forwards we have taken seemed impossible until they happened.

‘The NHS was called a pipe dream, the establishment voted against it 21 times. The fight went on until a final vote made it real. Peace in Northern Ireland was a moon-shot, it could never be until some brave leaders took a chance on peace, and people north and south voted for progress.

‘Votes for women, civil partnerships, devolution for Scotland and Wales, the movement against Fascism and Apartheid – often opposed by the powerful but made real by the people.’

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He continued: ‘We came and stood in the rain together, marched together, sang together, fought together.

‘And now we fight again for our families, for our communities, for our children because we want our future back. It is time for the people’s vote on the Brexit deal.’

‘Everything is impossible until we make it happen.’

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There were fears that Brexit could impact the future of the Game of Thrones series because of the amount of funding it benefits from the European Regional Development Fund for shooting on location in Northern Ireland.

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