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Tory Brexiteer reports BBC television presenters for ‘anti-Brexit bias’

BBC presenter Gary Lineker. Photograph: David Davies/PA. - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

A former culture secretary and Tory Brexiteer MP has claimed he has reported a number of BBC television presenters to the corporation over their social media for showing a ‘bias’ against Brexit.

John Whittingdale says he has filed a number of complaints over the corporation’s presenters including Match of the Day host Gary Lineker and Newsnight’s Emily Maitlis.

Lineker is an outspoken anti-Brexit campaigner who backs a People’s Vote campaigner, while Maitlis shares stories of interest surrounding the Brexit debate and wider politics.

Asked about the number of BBC employees moving into politics, like Robbie Gibb joining Number 10 as Director of Communications, the Brexiteer has less of an issue.

He told the House magazine: “I have much more problem with, for instance, BBC employees expressing highly political views.

“I have made several complaints about that.”

The Brexiteer said he had “quite a lot of sympathy” for Nigel Farage’s plight with the broadcaster, who was complaining in May that he had a lack of airtime on the corporation, shortly before another appearance on Question Time and The Andrew Marr Show.

In April the Brexiteer joined other MPs in calling for the corporation to be more positive about Brexit.

In a letter the MPs claimed there was “no polling shift towards Remain since the referendum”, despite a majority of polls supporting staying in the EU.

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