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Gove and Johnson claim Cabinet Brexit victory

Gove and Johnson during a Vote Leave EU referendum campaign - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

Michael Gove and Boris Johnson have launched an audacious bid to steer Britain away from European Union regulations.

The Brexit brothers – who have patched up their differences after an almighty fall out over the race to replace David Cameron – are claiming victory in convincing the Prime Minister to shift away from EU law post-Brexit.

The claims will anger Tory Remainers who were already outraged by a leaked letter sent to Theresa May by the pair making demands over Brexit.

But Brexiteers will be cheered and – after winning the argument with the Treasury over getting ring-fenced Brexit cash in the Budget – will believe the battle in Cabinet over the type of exit from the EU is now won.

Sources told The Sun the Prime Minister had been won over by Gove and Johnson’s argument and agreed that although Britain would mirror EU laws initially there would be a clear divergence in the coming years.

But one Tory source said the claims were not quite as clear cut as the pair might hope: ‘It’s not quite that simple, I’m sure. But there is no doubt that the Cabinet has a new power couple in Boris and Gove and the Prime Minister has little choice than to listen.’

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