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Green Party throws weight behind new March for Change protest

Anti-Brexit campaigners in the Green Party calling for a People's Vote. Photograph: Twitter. - Credit: Archant

The Green Party have thrown their weight behind this month’s March for Change protest which takes place on the weekend before the new prime minister is announced.

The Green Party’s backing follows support from the Liberal Democrats, with members from both anti-Brexit parties expected to travel to the capital to show their passionate support.

Sian Berry, co-leader of the Green Party of England and Wales, said: “With the Tories careering the country towards a disastrous no-deal Brexit, it’s never been more important to come together to celebrate our place in the European Union, and show the next Prime Minister that there’s no public mandate for crashing out.

“The levels of inequality and injustice across Britain are unforgivable, and millions were right to demand change. But Brexit is not the solution.

“Greens have been unwavering in our support of Britain’s place in the European Union. We won’t apologise, we won’t compromise and we won’t capitulate to the far right.

MORE: New anti-Brexit march planned for weekend new prime minister takes office

“On July 20th, we are proud to march in solidarity with millions across the continent who know we are all citizens of the world.”

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