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Grenfell, Foodbanks and Putin – The best photoshops of Boris Johnson and Phillip Schofield’s selfie

The This Morning presenters were criticised for having the opportunity to grill Boris Johnson, and instead going easy on the prime minister. Photo: Twitter - Credit: Archant

There has been outrage since Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby paused to take a friendly selfie with the prime minister after finishing their interview with Boris Johnson.

The This Morning presenters were criticised for having the opportunity to grill Johnson on allegations of Russian interference, the NHS being up for grabs, and many of the other scandals which are defining the most divisive and momentous election campaign of a lifetime, and instead going easy on the prime minister.

One person on Twitter said the chummy encounter with the prime minister was not good enough after Schofield grilled Jeremy Corbyn.

“Please. Where’s the grilling you gave Jeremy Corbyn? [Phillip Schofield]& [Holly Willoughby] should be ashamed of themselves after that interview,” they said.

“All the giggling and coyness from Holly, and then to have a selfie. Really, is that good interview technique? Lost all respect for these two.”

Responding to the claims, Schofield said it was Johnson who asked for the selfie, and had Corbyn asked for one they would have taken one with him.

But for many on Twitter, it wasn’t good enough, and the platform erupted into mocking the selfie – which was even compared to the moment Jimmy Fallon took a selfie with US president DOnald Trump – normalising and minimising the many allegations against him.

Here are some of the best memes made about the selfie in a thread from Igor Brown.


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