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Verhofstadt says the ‘real traitors’ are those ‘risking disaster’ upon their country

Guy Verhofstadt in the European parliament. Photograph: European parliament. - Credit: Archant

Guy Verhofstadt has hit back at those claiming those working with the EU to avoid a no-deal Brexit were ‘traitors’ – claiming it was those advocating that should have the title.

European Parliament Brexit co-ordinator Verhofstadt said Boris Johnson’s proposals are “not serious” and said anyone risking “disaster” by pushing Britain out of the EU is a “traitor”.

Speaking in the parliament, he told MEPs: “I think that the proposal that Boris Johnson exactly one week ago has put forward was not serious at all.

“Not serious at all because it was in fact, I call it a virtual proposal, it was not a real proposal. It gives, in fact, a veto to the DUP in a number of issues.”

He added: “The real reason why this is all happening is very simple. It’s a blame game. A blame game against everybody. A blame game against the union, against Ireland, against Mrs Merkel, against the British judiciary system, against Labour, against the Lib Dems, even against Mrs May.

“The only one who is not being blamed is Mr Johnson himself apparently, but all the rest are the source of our problems.”

He added: “All those who are not playing his game are traitors, or collaborators, or surrenderers. Well, in my opinion dear colleagues, the real traitor is he or she who would risk bringing disaster upon his country, its economy, its citizens by pushing Britain out of the European Union. That is, in my opinion, a traitor.”

Responding to comments from Brexit Party MEP Martin Daubney that Guy Verhofstadt “only accepts democracy when it suits you”, he pointed out that “in a democracy you can change your mind”.

To shouting from Brexiteers, he said he had a simply message for Daubney, that “a majority have changed their mind”.

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