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How MPs reacted to Theresa May’s latest Brexit announcement

Prime Minister Theresa May leaves 10 Downing Street, London, for the House of Commons. (Steve Parsons/PA) - Credit: PA

Theresa May has claimed she has secured ‘legally binding’ changes to the Brexit deal in order to win parliament’s backing – but not every MP is convinced. Here is the latest reaction.

– The Democratic Unionist Party, whose support the Prime Minister relies on in the Commons, rejected her deal in the first meaningful vote.

The party said in a statement on Monday night: ‘These publications need careful analysis. We will be taking appropriate advice, scrutinising the text line by line and forming our own judgment.

‘We will measure this latest text against the Brady amendment, and the commitments made by the Prime Minister of 29 January.’

– The European Research Group (ERG) also rejected her deal first time around.

Jacob Rees-Mogg, chairman of the ERG, told the BBC: ‘It’s too early to tell definitively, but it’s clearly a step in the right direction.

‘It’s important to see the details, but the DUP’s support would be a very important and significant factor.’

– Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said: ‘Since her Brexit deal was so overwhelmingly rejected, the prime minister has recklessly run down the clock, failed to effectively negotiate with the EU and refused to find common ground for a deal Parliament could support.

‘That’s why MPs must reject this deal.’

– Prominent Tory backbencher Damian Collins, who backed remaining in the EU in 2016, said he will be voting against the government’s motion.

He tweeted: ‘Nothing has really changed since last November. We have the power to apply to an arbitration panel to leave the back stop, but not the right to leave by ourselves.’

– Tory MP Nicky Morgan signalled support for the changes, tweeting that it was a ‘welcome step that the Malthouse Compromise Alternative Arrangements are a key part of tonight’s statement on changes to the #Brexit Withdrawal Agreement’.

– Independent Group MP Chris Leslie said the government’s ‘Brexit fudge fools nobody’.

‘They can’t reconcile the irreconcilable objectives of ditching Single Market & Customs Union… while keeping Irish border open & frictionless,’ he wrote on Twitter.

The group of 11 former Labour and Tory MPs has tabled an amendment to the motion to be debated, calling for an extension to Article 50 so Parliament can agree the terms of a so-called People’s Vote.

– Liberal Democrat leader Sir Vince Cable said the outcome of May’s meeting with Mr Juncker showed the Brexit negotiations were in disarray.

‘Midnight flits to Strasbourg and desperate late night Commons statements underline the chaos into which Project Brexit has descended,’ he tweeted.

‘Ministers cannot negotiate a better deal than being in the EU, because the UK is stronger inside as a full member. #PeoplesVote’

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