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Jo Swinson signals she could work with Labour if Jeremy Corbyn quits

Former Liberal Democrat Leader Jo Swinson. Picture: Aaron Chown/PA Wire/PA Images. - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson has signalled she would be more likely to work with Labour in the event of a hung parliament if Jeremy Corbyn stood down.

Swinson has insisted the Lib Dems would not put either Corbyn or Boris Johnson into Downing Street in the event of no party securing a Commons majority in the December 12 general election.

But asked about how she would react if Corbyn quit as Labour leader after the poll result, Swinson told PA: “Obviously we don’t know who the personalities would be in that circumstance, but we will obviously take a view on that depending on what circumstance we find ourselves in.

“I have been working with people from the Labour Party, and people from the Conservative Party, and the SNP, and Plaid Cymru, and the Green Party to try and stop Brexit and try and secure a People’s Vote so that we can remain in the EU.

“I’ve been doing that for the last couple of years and I will certainly be continuing to do that.

“Obviously, Jeremy Corbyn… is completely unfit to be prime minister, as is Boris Johnson for a whole host of different reasons.

“And so, if Labour are in a situation where they consider that Jeremy Corbyn is no longer fit to lead them, then we will of course look to keep working with people to try and secure a People’s Vote.”

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