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If you get the chance to visit the Great British seaside over the Easter break, then spare a thought for our coastal towns.

Many of these places, like Blackpool, Great Yarmouth and Scarborough, voted for Brexit more emphatically than most in last year’s referendum.

Yet it is precisely these communities that stand to lose the most from the process that result unleashed.

The reasons for those high Leave turnouts have been well analysed already. Years of neglect produced an understandable anger – but that anger was misdirected.

For our latest issue, we visited one of those towns, Skegness, to ponder how it might look in the aftermath of a Hard Brexit. The prospect gives a sober warning of the way the country is heading.

We also have a more topical warning – from a vicar who uses the Easter story to explain why we should all be wary each time the dreaded ‘will of the people’ phrase is trotted out.

Have a Happy Easter, from all at The New European

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