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Poll finds UK citizens least supportive of closing borders to stop coronavirus

A man and woman wearing protective face masks on a bus in London. Picture: Yui Mok/PA - Credit: PA

A majority of people across 12 different countries believe that the borders should be closed in their country to stop the coronavirus, but British people are the least supportive.

UK citizens least likely to support closing the borders to stop coronavirus. Photograph: Ipsos Mori. – Credit: Archant

A survey of 12,000 people across 12 major countries over the last week found that Asia was the most supportive of border closures, led by people in India (79%) and Vietnam (78%).

More than three in four people in the world’s other COVID-19 hot spot, Italy (76%), also agree that borders should be closed, followed by those in China (73%), and Russia (70%).

The poll, conducted by Ipsos MORI, found that people in the UK were the least supportive of closing the borders, but still supported the measure by a slim majority of 51%.

A significant driver in the growth for concern is the fear someone we know will be infected by the virus.

The majority of people in Vietnam (67%), the United Kingdom (57%), India, Australia and Japan (51%) think someone close to them will get the coronavirus.

The countries with the biggest jump in this measure compared to a poll three weeks ago are all countries with developed health care systems – the UK (+31 points), Australia (+29), and Canada (+28).


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