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Twitter mocks Ivanka Trump for misspelling ‘United Kingdom’ in congratulatory tweet

Ivanka Trump joins the US president at the G20 meeting of world leaders. Picture: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire/PA Images - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

As leaders worldwide issue their congratulations to Boris Johnson, Ivanka Trump has made an embarrassing gaffe in her tweet to the UK’s next prime minister.

The misspelt tweet that Ivanka Trump deleted. Picture: Twitter – Credit: Twitter

The US president’s daughter, who holds conserable power in the White House as an advisor, tweeted: “Congratulations @BorisJohnson on becoming the next Prime Minister of the United Kingston.”

The tweet has since been deleted and replaced with the correct spelling, but not before it was retweeted hundreds of times and mocked by Twitter users.

“The stupid apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” said Twitter user Angela Belcamino.

“Look Daddy … I’m governmenting!” said Twitter user @Kimbly73.


Others pointed out that the UK’s position on the world stage is so weak that we’d be forced to change the country name to reflect the error.

Donald Trump has also tweeted his congratulations to Johnson. “Congratulations to Boris Johnson on becoming the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He will be great!” said Trump, with no typos at all.

But it is not the first time that the leaders of Britain’s biggest ally have slipped up with basic spelling errors.

In June, during a state visit intended to cement relations between the two countries, the US president tweeted that he had “met with … the Prince of Whales”.


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