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Jacob Rees-Mogg reveals the one thing that would have convinced him to back Remain

Jacob Rees-Mogg in Westminster. Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA. - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg has revealed that there was one thing that would have convinced him to support Remain.

The European Research Group chair revealed that he values the future of the United Kingdom more than Britain’s future in the European Union.

Rees-Mogg said that it was ‘more important’ that Scotland remained in the UK, but he did not believe at the time that the ‘scare stories’ were real.

Explaining why he valued the views of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) so much, he said: ‘Ultimately the United Kingdom is more important to me than the European Union.

‘So if the DUP felt that the United Kingdom was being divided up on the deal, then that would mean it was impossible to vote for the deal under any circumstances.

‘The one thing that would have changed my mind in 2016, was had I believed the scare stories that Scotland would leave the United Kingdom if we voted to leave.

‘I didn’t think it was true and therefore I was happy to vote to Leave.

‘But the United Kingdom is my country and I don’t want to see my country chopped up.

‘So the DUP’s position is very significant.’

MORE: Rees-Mogg: Brexit ‘has made no difference to my financial situation’

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Remain campaigners have warned that taking the United Kingdom out of the European Union – against the wishes of Northern Ireland and Scotland – still risks a break up of the union.

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