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Rees-Mogg snaps at ‘leftie’ BBC for questioning his promotion of the German far-right

Jacob Rees-Mogg in Westminster. Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA. - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Jacob Rees-Mogg snapped at the ‘leftie’ BBC for questioning his promotion of a far-right German leader.

The exchange on Radio 4’s Today programme led to the Tory MP to losing his temper.

The Tory Brexiteer had shared an address by Alternative for Germany’s (AfD) Alice Weidel on Twitter, previously claiming it was of ‘real importance’ because it showed a ‘German view of Brexit’.

Speaking on the BBC, he argued: ‘Well I think this is typical of the BBC’s obsession – dare I say it the Today programme obsession.’

As the presenter continued to ask questions on the matter, he snapped: ‘Hold on. You must be patient, and not interrupt because the answer needs to be given properly. The BBC does have this obsession.’

Rees-Mogg referenced a ‘slur’ against the MP made by another BBC presenter James Naughtie, in which he likened the ERG to France’s National Front.

The ERG chair said: ‘When I quote someone and it’s not my view, that’s a great shock, and that seems to be typical of the Today programme’s leftie approach.’

Also in the interview the Brexiteer claimed Remainers had taken control of Brexit and were ‘disenfranchising Leave voters’.

He said: ‘I think the difficulty is the process has now been taken over entirely by people who voted Remain.

‘By doing what can seem a conciliatory thing, reaching out to the Labour Party, all that’s happening is Leave voters are being disenfranchised and that’s a fundamental problem.’

He described Theresa May’s offer to Corbyn as ‘deeply unsatisfactory’ and accused May of planning to collaborate with ‘a known Marxist’.

‘I think getting the support of a known Marxist is unlikely to get support of Conservatives . . . this is a deeply unsatisfactory approach, it’s not in the interest of the country, it fails to deliver on the referendum result.’

He said he still believed May’s deal was ‘bad’, but he would still back her as Conservative leader.

‘I have more confidence in Theresa May than in Jeremy Corbyn, though that’s not necessarily a very high bar, and Mr Corbyn – even as deputy – is still not the prime minister.’

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