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Jacob Rees-Mogg calls on people to enjoy ‘a yard of ale’ when pubs re-open

Jacob Rees-Mogg in the Commons. Photograph: Parliament TV. - Credit: Archant

People should ‘go back to drinking a yard of ale’ to celebrate the reopening of pubs while adhering to revised social distancing guidance, Jacob Rees-Mogg said.

The two-metre social distance rule will be reduced to ‘one-metre plus’ which works out at just over a yard.

Tory MP Brendan Clarke-Smith asked what could be done to support the reopening of pubs.

During business questions, Rees-Mogg replied: ‘I think there’s a very easy answer in pubs and that is people should go back to drinking a yard of ale.

‘Because if they drink a yard of ale they will maintain social distancing while enjoying an extra large drink to celebrate the fact that they are back in the pub.’

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A Labour backbencher could be heard scoffing at the suggestion which they muttered encouraged excess drinking.

Labour MP Clive Efford asked why pubs were being allowed to reopen from July 4, but not gyms or outdoor swimming pools.

Rees-Mogg replied: ‘I think everybody welcomes the reopening of pubs.

‘I think people have been locked in for quite long enough and they want to go and have a drink and that’s a jolly good thing and should be encouraged and welcomed and they will do it safely and properly.

‘And I’m slightly disappointed by the honourable gentleman’s slightly curmudgeonly attitude towards pubs being reopened.

‘As regards to other things, they have to be opened in a phased way. There is a degree of risk that can be taken but that risk has to be managed and measured.

‘And the government of course wants things to be opened more and that is being implemented as far as it is safe to do, but it has to be done in an orderly way.’

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