A Tory MP’s selfie involving many of the new Conservative recruits has been mocked after Twitter users pointed out how male and white they all were.
Jake Berry, the MP for Rossendale and Darwen, probably didn’t expect quite the response her received to his tweet.
He boasted that he was welcoming some “of the new blue well of northern Conservative MPs to parliament”, before adding: “Working together we’ll hunt like a pack to get a brilliant deal for people across the Northern Powerhouse!”
But Twitter users were quick to point out the lack of diversity in the photograph – with every single MP in the photograph white, male, and balding too.
“Something slightly off about this picture that I can’t qwhite put my finger on,” said one.
“What an amazing vision of diversity,” noted Emma Kennedy.
“Are you not even slightly embarrassed by this? Seriously? No women, no people of colour. It’s 2019 FFS,” wrote Lorna Slater.
“White male and very stale! This is not representatve of our wonderful diverse population,” said Heidi Burgess.
“Are there no women in the north?” asked Barton Sargent.
— CrimeGirl (@CrimeGirI) December 19, 2019
“This tweet is weird, embarrassing, hysterical, awkward AND tragic all at once,” posted Christian Savidge.
“That’s a pink wall if I ever saw one,” commented Oor Bee.
“Are they all the same bloke?” queried Fionn Carroll.
“Apparently everyone in the North is this same one bloke with different ties and haircuts,” said @ScatterMoon.
— Donna (@Donna__Green) December 19, 2019
“Oh thank goodness. White men across the land must feel so glad to finally be represented!” said Stella Duffy.
But someone did leap to their defence. Paul Tildsley said: “I’m all for bashing the Tories but it’s unfair to call out the lack of diversity in this photo!
“2 of them aren’t wearing ties and their suits are a very diverse mix of blue and grey.”
— ryan john butcher (@ryanjohnbutcher) December 18, 2019