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Radio caller says Boris Johnson isn’t the only leader to lie – but can’t explain who else has

LBC Radio presenter James O'Brien. Photograph: LBC/Global. - Credit: Archant

A caller to a James O’Brien’s LBC radio show has admitted to the broadcaster that Boris Johnson is a ‘massive liar’, but that he supports him anyway.

The exchange came after the presenter played a series of clips of the prime minister making promises which he later broke.

It included his comments on another Brexit extension and the Irish border.

The caller, David, insisted that all political leaders lie as much as Johnson, to which O’Brien responded: “So he’s a massive liar, but he’s my liar?”

David agreed: “Yes, basically… who is better? Him or the opposition?”

O’Brien asked for examples of Jeremy Corbyn, Jo Swinson or Nicola Sturgeon making similar false promises, which was met with a fumbled attempt to draw parallels between Corbyn’s failure to produce a Brexit plan and Johnson’s U-turn on the Irish border.

“No I need you to remind me of something he said,” O’Brien told the caller.

“I cannot quote anything,” replied David, to which the presenter said it didn’t need to be exact.

“Either I’m not being clear enough, or you’re pretending not to understand me,” said O’Brien.

In the end the presenter ended the call by agreeing to “put David out of his misery”.

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