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James O’Brien says he’s no longer a Remainer – because the term no longer applies

James O'Brien on LBC. Photograph: Twitter/Global.

Radio presenter James O’Brien has told listeners he is no longer a Remainer – because the term no longer applies as the movement is ‘dead as a parrot’.

James O’Brien says he’s no longer a Remainer – because the t

“For the umpteeth time, let me say again, that it’s over. I think everybody knows it’s over except for some very strange people, who need to pretend that perhaps, that it’s not over.
“It’s over, on January 24th the Withdrawal Agreement was passed into law and we left the European Union with a transition period that ends when the year ends. At the end of 2020 – come January 1st we’re out. 
“That’s it, it’s done and dusted, that ship has sailed, sayonara, goodbye.”
He continued to explain how the Remain movement was now “dead as a parrot”.
O’Brien explained: “The Remain movement even doesn’t exist any more.
“If you can say anything about the populist movement of the early 21st century in the West – America and UK in particular – it is nonexistent enemies that describes the ideologies…
“And today and yesterday we see that the Remainers are still the enemies, even though we don’t exist, I say that as a former Remainer. 
“We are as dead as the parrot in the Monty Python sketch. We are a deceased movement, we do not exist, there is no such thing anymore as a Remainer.
“It is impossible to remain in a place that you have already left.
“We have left the European Union, right up until January 24th, remaining was at least a political possibility.
“After the December election it was, of course, a theoretical possibility. But you can’t now remain somewhere you have already left.”
The presenter previously said the argument on leaving the EU “is over”.
“It has become absolutely crystal clear that we were completely and 100 per cent correct,” he told listeners. “Not just about the Good Friday Agreement, but about the NHS and the German car industry and holding all the cards.
“But it doesn’t matter anymore, we lost, it’s over, that ship has sailed”.
“Back in December, the abuse and the vitriol that was directed at people who said precisely what Boris Johnson is saying now was incredible. And that abuse and vitriol came from people who believed that the deal with oven-ready and brilliant,” he added.
“Goodness knows how many times I’ve thought we have reached a really significant, possibly terminal, milestone. But I keep stressing, the argument about leaving is over. So you don’t have to carry on letting them lie to you.”

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