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Jared O’Mara ‘postpones’ resignation as MPs prepare for crucial Brexit votes

Independent MP for Sheffield Hallam Jared O'Mara. Photograph: PA. - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

Sheffield Hallam MP Jared O’Mara has ‘postponed’ his resignation as MPs prepare to fight the government in crucial votes over Brexit.

O’Mara had submitted resignation papers at the start of August, which were postdated to the date that MPs were due to return to parliament.

But now the Treasury have said that the former Labour MP is looking to remain in the House of Commons, and has written to the chancellor asking to withdraw his letter.

The independent MP has not indicated why he has had a change of mind, or how long he intends to stay in the Commons, but the possibility of an imminent general election may have caused a refocus from the MP.

According to the BBC, the MP had recently been arrested on suspicion of fraud.

Either side of the crucial Brexit votes need 318 MPs – enough for a majority of one.

For the government to win, every Conservative MP eligible to vote (308) would need to be joined by the 10 MPs from the DUP.

But in reality, MPs are unlikely to divide precisely on party lines, with rebels in both parties.

The 635 votes in play are the 650 MPs in the House of Commons minus seven Sinn Fein MPs (who do not take their seats), the speaker and three deputy speakers (who do not vote), and the four tellers – two for, two against – whose votes are not included in the overall result.

A Treasury spokesperson said: “Jared O’Mara remains an MP after writing to the chancellor asking to postpone his appointment to an office of the Crown.”

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