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Jean-Claude Juncker insists ‘we can have a deal’ over Brexit

Jean-Claude Juncker speaking with Sky's Sophy Ridge. Picture: Sky - Credit: YouTube

Despite rising fears over the potential of a no-deal Brexit, the president of the European Commission has insisted that a deal between the UK and the EU is possible.

Speaking to Sky’s Sophy Ridge, Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the EU Commission, has raised hopes that a no-deal Brexit can be avoided.

Referencing a “rather positive meeting” he had with prime minister Boris Johnson, Juncker said: “We can have a deal. I am doing everything to have a deal because I don’t like the idea of a no-deal because I think this would have catastrophic consequences.”

On the backstop, Juncker admitted that the controversial plan could be dropped if the proposed alternative arrangements would maintain the internal market.

He said: “I don’t have an erotic relationship with the backstop, if the results are there I don’t care.


“If the objectives are met, all of them, then we don’t need the backstop.”

When asked by Sophy Ridge if Theresa May’s thrice rejected withdrawal agreement could be re-opened, Juncker also stated that it would not be.

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