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Boris Johnson visited Jennifer Arcuri’s flat because he was ‘naive about technology’

Entrepreneur Jennifer Arcuri giving a TED Talk in 2016. Boris Johnson has been accused of failing to declare a conflict of interest in connection to public funds given to Arcuri, reportedly a personal friend. Picture: TED Talks - Credit: TED Talks

The businesswoman caught up in gossip about Boris Johnson’s personal life has claimed that the pair never had an affair – and she invited him over because she was fed up with all of his technology-related emails.

Speaking to the Mirror, she said accusations about favouritism from the then mayor of London was “crap” and denied any accusations of an affair.

Arcuri responded to questions from the newspaper in a supermarket car park in Los Angeles.

She told them: “The allegations are false and I am a legitimate ­businesswoman.”

Instead she insisted it was a “Labour smear” – but denied being hostile to the opposition party.

The entrepreneur claimed the politician only visited her East End home because he was “naive” when it came to ­technology and was fed up of his emails.

She said: “Why wouldn’t he be? ­Everybody else was in London.

“I had the best f***ing flat in East London. The reason why Boris would stopover was because of the clusterf*** of emails.

“And he was like, ‘Jen, what the f***’s a Google hangout? Where are you at three o’clock, I can, you know, stop over.

“You can tell me what the hell is going on. That’s what, that’s what it is.

“And I’m so f***ing tired. All this stuff. Lover? It’s bulls**t.”

Johnson has previously claimed that there is “no interest to declare” regarding his involvement with Arcuri, but refused to deny they had an affair.

He added: “Everything was done with complete propriety.”

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